Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- primary arthrosis (polyarthrosis, olіgoartroz, monoartroz) and secondary (as a result of dysplasia, arthritis, injuries, disorders of the statics, Hyper);
- intervertebral osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis primary and secondary (as a result of dysplasia, traumas, static violations of Hyper-mobility);
- rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis in the inactive phase with the minimum degree of activity, functional insufficiency of not more than II degree;
- ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) in the phase of remission, or with minimal activity of the process;
- reactive arthritis (after nasopharyngeal infection, post-vaccination, after another injection) in the chronic stage;
- the consequences of suffering rheumatic arthritis and polyarthritis (not earlier than 8-10 months after the acute or subacute effects from the heart, without or with minimal activity rheumatic process, circulatory failure, not higher than i degree);
- the consequences of fractures of bones and joints, with delayed consolidation;
- condition after operations on joints or spine (after removal of the meniscus, exostosis, postlamіektomіchny syndrome, state after the disc removal - 2-3 months after the operation, after 6 months after suffering spondylosyndesis in 2-3 months after laminectomy);
- contracture: arthritic, osteogenic, ruble, neurogenic;
- diseases of the periarticular tissue (myositis, lіgamentiti, Dupuytren's contracture, parasynovitis etc).
You can pass the course of treatment in our rehabilitation center. Details about its cost, accommodation in medical centre and proposed procedures learn the telephone numbers (04338) 2-20-86 (round the clock) or (04338) 2-25-77 (from 09.00 to 18.00). Or use the feedback form in Contacts