Metabolic diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment

Metabolic diseases are a group of diseases associated with metabolic set of chemical compounds between man and environment.

To diseases of metabolism include:

  • amyloidosis;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • disease Guirec;
  • obesity;
  • gout;
  • rickets and others.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Major underlying causes of disease, advancing the result of metabolic disorders include:

  • failures in the glands of the body;
  • violation of the regime of power and abuse of heavy food;
  • heredity.

In most cases, a metabolic disorder occurs due to a loss of functions of the body metabolize fats. Because of this, the body is filled with lipoproteins and cholesterol.

Overabundance of these substances leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of diseases in case of metabolic

All diseases associated with metabolic disorders characteristic of certain symptoms:

  • the emergence of excess weight is associated with the problem of processing of lipids;
  • edema - fluid bad excreted from the body, metabolism slowed down;
  • pale skin - due metabolic soft tissues begin to feel anoxia;
  • the fragility of hair and nail plates - metabolic disorders occurs calcium imbalance;
  • the accumulation of salts, characteristic for the most common metabolic diseases - gout.

Treatment of diseases of metabolism

First of all patient is prescribed a strict diet, exercise permanent control weight.

In addition, prescribed medication and sanatorium treatment.

Experienced specialists of our rehabilitation center will help you to choose the right diet, they will select a suitable daily routine, will appoint the treatment of water and other procedures.

You can pass the course of treatment in our rehabilitation center. Details about its cost, accommodation in medical centre and proposed procedures learn the telephone numbers (04338) 2-20-86 (round the clock) or (04338) 2-25-77 (from 09.00 to 18.00). Or use the feedback form in Contacts