Essential hypertension stage I-II: causes, symptoms, treatment

Hypertension is a disease, the main feature of which is the increase in blood pressure.

In the basis of hypertension is a violation of the functioning of the Central nervous system and other systems of the body.

There are 3 stages of hypertension:

  • hypertensive disease of the 1st degree - characterized by periodical increase of arterial pressure, which is quite easy to normalize;
  • grade 2 hypertension - stable phase, in which the pressure rise is regular;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree - accompanied by a pronounced changes in blood vessels, артериолосклерозом).

Treatment of hypertension should be timely and held under the supervision of a physician.

Hypertension: the causes of disease

Major underlying causes of hypertension include:

  • regular stress;
  • alcohol and tobacco use;
  • heredity etc.

In addition, hypertension occurs due to the intake of certain medications, such as hormonal.

Hypertension: the treatment of diseases

Treatment of hypertension starts with lifestyle changes: the transition to a healthy diet, moderate exercise, refusal of bad habits.

The treatment of hypertension good effect is achieved due to application of soothing and sedative substances, including various herbal decoctions.

Essential hypertension treated with medicaments. With medical treatment of hypertension medications reduce and normalize pressure.

Besides medication hypertension patients are recommended to visit the sanatorium-and-Spa institutions, where experts will select the proper nutrition and prescribe physical therapy procedures.

You can pass the course of treatment in our rehabilitation center. Details about its cost, accommodation in medical centre and proposed procedures learn the telephone numbers (04338) 2-20-86 (round the clock) or (04338) 2-25-77 (from 09.00 to 18.00). Or use the feedback form in Contacts